Monday, August 20, 2007

Drive Thru

Have you ever wondered how much gas is wasted in the drive thrus! You get in the line, your vehicle is running, you come to the order-placing-booth and your vehicle is running, now you're waiting for your order, don't know how long... 1 minute, 2 minutes, 5 minutes... 10 minutes!!! Wow, you just wasted gas for driving around 5 miles. Why don't you turn off the vehicle in the drive thru. But again, who's going to turn it on and off several times. We're just too lazy to do that...

I've seen drive thrus at a lot of places where there is a looooong waiting line of cars, each burning away gas for no reason. No offence, but I have seen waiting lines at Starbucks Drive thru so long that you could probably park your vehicle, get the coffee from inside the store and walk back to your car and that would be faster. Is it worth burning so much gas for just a cup of coffee?
There are a lot of ideas to reduce this.
  • If the store's open, walk in and make your purchases.
  • One good suggestion that I heard from my sister was to make slopy drive-thrus, so that once you get in line, you can turn off the car and let it roll down the slope, stopping in between and placing/taking your order.

I don't have any more suggestions, but anything from your side is also welcome.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What's nice is that my Toyota Prius hybrid turns engine off when you're not moving forward in line at the drive through (or at a stoplight or in a traffic jam) and then just uses the battery power at very slow speeds.