Monday, August 6, 2007

Suggestions have already started coming

Just today, I started getting suggestions on my blog. One I found really practical which everyone can do. It's so good that I couldn't wait till tomorrow to post it.

"Americans drive 202m passenger vehicles out of 683m worldwide. The average US passenger vehicle, with a fuel economy of less than 20mpg, travels 11,000 miles a year, nearly a third more than cars elsewhere, according to Wednesday's report, Global Warming on the Road." - Half of global car exhaust produced by US vehicles, Guardian Unlimited,,,1808314,00.html/

Well, the advice is yet to come and the above was only for information.

Here's the advice: If every person driving a passenger vehicle regularly opts for another option of walking, biking or using the mass transit for just one day a week or even one day in a month, just look at the statistics above and see how much we can save together. Let me do the calculations for you. If everyone takes the initiative not to drive their car just one day in a month, that will be 12 days of not driving your car in a year, and for 202 million vehicles, 2424 million days of not driving a vehicle. Now, if the vehicles give 20 mpg while going 11,000 miles each year on an average, then it uses ((11,000 miles/20 mpg)/365 days) ~1.5 gallons/day. For a year's time, it adds up to (303 million gallons times 12 days for each day of the month that we don't drive the car) 3636 million gallons of gas in a year. WOW!!! That's a lot of savings. And that too just by not driving your car for one day in a month. You can contribute more by not driving your car once a week... just think... you can contribute a lot!
And this is just the gas that you are saving. Now look at how much vehicle exhausts/emissions will be saved too... plus, the congestion on the roads is also going to reduce a bit, which means lesser stops on the freeways, giving a better efficiency of our vehicles, again saving some more gas... it just goes on and on and on! So, let's start today. :)

There is some more interesting information about car statistics: if anyone of you is interested to know.

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