Sunday, August 12, 2007

Saving water - one of the ways that I could see

Last night, I came home dropping someone off at the airport for a late-night flight. While on my way back home, I saw the sprinklers running for watering the lawns. The lawns were being overfed with water and extra water was just flowing down the drains. What came to my mind is that these sprinklers are either running for a longer time than needed, thus wasting so many gallons of water or their rate of water flow is far more than what can be absorbed.

So, here's a suggestion again. Instead of keeping the sprinklers running for one long time period, we can keep them running for more short time periods OR we can regulate the flow of water through these sprinklers to a slower rate.

But my problem here is to whom should I address these suggestions? I am going to talk about this to my leasing office about the sprinklers in our apartment complex. But what about the ones on the road-side... I have seen a lot of them which just keep running and the water just flowing down the drains.

If anyone of you knows about a way to make reach this suggestion to the responsible ears, please let me know, I'll be happy to try and take some steps to see if some improvement can be brought about...

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