Wednesday, August 8, 2007

SUVs, (Pick-up) Trucks, and Hummers

Today I talk about these vehicles. Why these? Beacuse these vehicles give lower milage and more than that, most of the times are under-utilized.

Everytime, while driving, when I see a SUV, a pick-up truck or a Hummer, I quickly try to look at how many passengers there are in the vehicle. And believe me, 90% of the times, I find a single person in the vehicle. This thing always pisses me off and I end up cursing that person. I am ready to live with the fact that these vehicles produce more emmissions or comsume more gas, given that they are properly utilized. But, do you really need such a heavy and powerful vehicle just to take you from home to work and back! That purpose can be solved by a small fuel-efficient car too. Then why are people really driving it? I really need someone to answer this question.

So, to all the people out there who drive such heavy-duty vehicles alone - Do you really need to drive such a vehicle? I mean look around you - people are trying hard to reduce their own green-house gas emissions so that our future generations could at least have something better than what it just will be. And guys like these, driving huge vehicles, are just nullifying these efforts. Just think about it next time before you drive. Do you really need it?

Before I finish today's post - All the hard workers, soccor-moms and other people who really utilize these vehicles, I have one suggestion for you too... using this vehicle is sometimes more of necessity to you guys than luxury or comfort (or whatever they look for while buying these heavy-duty vehicles), but you can also contribute by making better choices of buying more fuel efficient trucks and SUVs.
I would also like to say that this is not an order or not something that you have to do. You all are free to do whatever you have to do, but just think that someone else is going to pay tomorrow for your actions today.

No offence to anyone intended. Let's educate ourselves a little more.
More info: Did you know that HUMMER was initially designed as a military vehicle and that it has a very high fuel consumption.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This post was well written to make readers think without having to be offended. I try not to jump to conclusions about single occupancy SUVs. For all I know, the SUV driver has a one mile commute and the Prius driver has a 100 mile commute. Or the SUV might have just dropped off a half-dozen carpoolers (probably not judging by how empty the car pool lanes are). I almost bought a big pickup once, but then I noticed that 95% of the pickups on the road are empty 95% of the time. I decided to strap stuff to my roof rack and/or borrow my neighbor's truck once a year.