Thursday, August 9, 2007

More trees

How many trees have you planted in your lifetime? (There will be some who will respond to this answer with a "None", :D I am one of them :D)

This question applies to me too and I'm not very happy to say this: I have planted a lot of small plants, but no trees. I wish I had, but the way I've been living all these years (like staying on rent and all...student life, you know!), I couldn't do that. But I definitely want to do that. I have paid a few extra bucks in my utility bills for planting a tree by paying a extra $5 or something like that, but then how can one really check on them to see if they have really planted a tree!

But I do like trees as such (and nature in general) and admire houses that I see on my way here and there which have a tree in their front yards. So, probably, when I have a house of my own, I'll end up having a few trees in my front yard and some in the backyard too... having more trees is not going to hurt :).

Talking in terms of global warming, there are certain greenhouse gas emissions that can be reduced but can't be avoided. These emissions can be contributed by even driving a near-zero emission vehicle (usually called PZEV or Partial-Zero Emission Vehicle), general day-to-day activities like cooking food, even lighting (your water heater also does contribute). Remember, putting energy saving lighting, using low emission vehicles is going to help a lot in reducing the emissions. But more can be contributed towards reducing those emissions too... by planting more trees. {A step towards becoming climate neutral}

Today's tip
: (will be helpful for people who are instantly inspired to go and plant a tree right now in their backyards) If you are digging a hole to plant a tree, call 811 or go to before you start digging. This way, you will be aware that you are not damaging any underlying utility lines (if any) and thus help yourself by preventing any fines/repair costs and any injuries to yourselves and/or others. Remember, Prevention is always better than Cure.

More info
: I was just googling for "reduce your greenhouse emissions" and came across this site which has a lot of useful links and information: Thought it might help someone get more information. :)

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