Thursday, August 16, 2007

Wierd Weather!

So much is happening out of the blues.
  • Texas had the most summer railfall already. Hurricane Erin already dumped so much rainfall over Houston and San Antonio.
  • China is having most of it's major rivers flooded.
  • England and Wales had the wettest 3 month periods in recorded history.
  • Severe droughts in Romania and heavy flooding in Bangladesh.
These all stories point to one thing. Nature is getting back at us for what we did and what we are still doing to it. I think of it this way - Nature by itself is very powerful and can control anything, so, it will let us do whatever we want to do, but then, it's going to get back to us in ways we can't even imagine. Some of it is already being seen in parts of countries all over the world.

Everyday, I read alreast one news about changed weather. Changes that were not even thought of are happening. And my intuition says that this is justthe beginning. Nature has started getting back at us through it's own ways and it will not stop until it makes everything right and balanced. And I don't know how many people will have to pay for this with their lives.

I'm stressing again and again. If you haven't started it, do it now...

Before I finish today's blog.... here's a tip for Bottled water buyers:
Check the label for PWS which means Public Water Source.... filtered and packed version of tap water... why can't you just drink tap water instead or carry a bottle of water with you when you leave home! Bottled water is no different than tap water. So, help save on the use of plastic bottles (used to package the water) 90% of which are not even recycled.

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